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WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF financial advice?
In the days of easy access to modern technology and online investing, it is easy to ask yourselves
‘Why do I need financial advice?’ Although most of us are concerned with having financial security throughout our lives, we often do little to understand our future lifestyle ambitions and how we will fund them.
According to recent research carried out by Old Mutual Wealth, “59% of those surveyed were concerned
that they would not be able to afford a decent standard of living in retirement”*. However, from those who had received financial planning advice, “64% felt positive about their financial security”. Receiving financial advice has given them confidence to look at their long-term future and peace of mind.
Retirees who have seen an adviser regularly receive an income which is 41% higher than those who had
never visited an adviser. The average income of a non-advised retire is £17,168 compared to £24,175 for someone who had a plan and saw an adviser regularly.*
* Source: Old Mutual Wealth

Although some people are comfortable handling their own investments, many are not. At Absolute Wealth Management, as independent financial advisers, we work with providers across the whole of the financial marketplace. As part of our research we will review the ever changing financial landscape so that we can make recommendations about products that will suit your financial needs.

INDEPENDENT Guidance and Expertise
We have helped our clients cope with the financial challenges of many life changing events from moving house, career changes, having children, starting a business to retirement planning. We have a simple ethos, that we treat client's money as if it were our own, always looking to safeguard a client's interest and achieve maximum growth for them.
Our advisers can help you manage your financial future by developing and reviewing a plan to help you maintain financial security throughout your working life, right through to retirement. As a local business, based in the heart of Bristol, we develop ongoing relationships with our clients so that we can help them reach their long-term financial goals. With the help of our administration team we offer a personal service which includes regular updates on how your investments are performing, as well as half yearly reviews to ensure your financial plan will help you achieve their lifestyle ambitions
If you would like financial clarity today to live the life you want tomorrow please get in touch.