Independent professional advice
As independent financial advisers, we have amassed a breadth of experience and depth of knowledge to be able to offer you impartial advice designed to reach your financial goals. We know that frequently the need to seek financial advice and to revise your financial plan is driven by a change in circumstances. Below are a just of few of the scenarios where financial planning could help you reach financial clarity.

Starting out in your career
With no family commitments and a disposable income, you might want to start saving. This can be a good time to consider making some significant financial decisions, such buying a house, a car or perhaps paying off a loan.
Having a financial plan can help you understand how to finance these purchases, whilst continuing to maintain your current standard of living and even putting aside money each month. Our advisers can help you devise a budget plan to accommodate all your needs, which also allows you to include an investment strategy to help you save for the longer term.

Managing a family
With a family comes a host of additional costs; as your family grows, so do your monthly commitments. At this stage of your life having a financial plan has never been more important to ensure the welfare of your family. It is equally important to build in some form of financial protection for your family, should unexpected life-changing events affect your finances, such illness or death.
Our advisers can help you create a plan that works with your current financial commitments so that you can start to save towards your longer-term financial plans, such funding children’s education or your retirement.

Approaching retirement
If you are asking yourself some key questions such as ‘When can I retire?’ and ‘How much income do I need in retirement?’ you would benefit from reviewing your financial plan. The nearer you get to winding down to retirement, the greater the need to consider if you can afford to retire and to understand just how much income you will need to fund your retirement plans.
Financial planning will help you focus on your priorities by managing the multiple demands on your
income, whilst at the same time helping you focus on your retirement choices. We can also factor in other financial commitments you may have such as paying off university fees or helping your children start on the property ladder.

Your concerns in retirement
Financial concerns do not stop in retirement. Many retirees worry how long their money will last them in retirement and how they will fund possible care home/nursing fees. For those fortunate enough to have accumulated wealth, the desire to pass this on their loved ones without huge inheritance tax exposure becomes increasingly important.
Our advisers can help you answer some of these questions through our estate planning services. With our expertise, we can guide you through the maze of regulations surrounding gifting money, helping you to create a plan that is tax efficient.