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Key person insurance
Could your business survive if one of your directors became seriously ill or even died?
Many small businesses rely entirely on the directors to be involved in the day to day operation; have you ever thought what would happen to the business if one of the owners or even a key employee died or suffered a critical illness? Business Protection insurance is designed to provide the business with financial security in the face of such challenging circumstances.

Share Protection
How can you safeguard against your business shares being redistributed following a key shareholder’s death?
As a shareholder, you are entitled to include the shares you have in a company as part of your estate and can nominate who these will pass to upon your death. By taking out shareholder protection insurance the continuation of the business can be safeguarded since it will prevent shares being redistributed or even sold.

Relevant life POLICY
How can a small company offer a death in service for an employee?
Many smaller businesses cannot compete with the benefits that larger organisations regularly include for their employees. With the advent of relevant life policies, small businesses can now offer a tax efficient life insurance policy to key staff.
Our advisers can advise you on which type of product will suit your circumstances.