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Insight and Events

Welcome to the news and views from Absolute Wealth Management! We have a passion for all things financial and want to share the most exciting insights with you to help bring some financial clarity into your life!

Guide: 5 insightful lessons you could learn from the world’s most successful investors

20 August 2024

The world’s most successful investors are known for consistently delivering above-average market returns, and they offer practical lessons that could guide your approach to investing too. Discover some powerful investment lessons by downloading your copy of this useful guide.

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4 pragmatic ways your pension could create long-term security for you and your partner

08 August 2024

Retirement planning often involves making big decisions, and if you want to create long-term security for your partner, it can add a layer of complexity. Discover some of the steps you could take with your pension to ensure your partner remains financially secure if you pass away first.

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Why taking your pension as a lump sum could leave you with a huge tax bill

08 August 2024

Making a lump sum withdrawal from your pension could provide you with greater financial freedom. However, if you’re not aware of Income Tax thresholds, it could also leave you with a sizeable and unexpected tax bill.

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4 unpredictable life events that could mean you’d benefit from a financial review

08 August 2024

Unpredictable life events can knock even carefully laid plans off course. So, carrying out a financial review after events like redundancy or a relationship breaking down could help you update your plan, so it continues to reflect your circumstances and goals.

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Why tuning out political speculation may help you stick to your financial plan

08 August 2024

While the general election has concluded, there’s still plenty of speculation about changes the Labour Party will make and how it could affect personal finances. While it might be tempting to react to headlines, tuning out the conjecture could help you stick to your financial plan.

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How to boost your composure and reduce investing FOMO

08 August 2024

A fear of missing out (FOMO) may drive investment decisions that could increase how much risk you’re exposed to. Finding ways to maintain your composure is often an important investment skill. Discover some of the steps that could help you avoid acting based on investing FOMO.

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Inheritance Tax: The basics you need to know about the “death tax”

08 August 2024

Inheritance Tax could reduce the wealth you leave for your family when you pass away. Around 4% of estates are liable for the tax. If you’re unsure whether your estate could be affected, discover the thresholds and allowances you need to know about.

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