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Insight and Events

Welcome to the news and views from Absolute Wealth Management! We have a passion for all things financial and want to share the most exciting insights with you to help bring some financial clarity into your life!

Why your social life could be just as important as your health

10 September 2024

Did you know that your social life might play a surprising role in your health? Read on to discover how loneliness can affect your mental and physical health and what you can do to combat it.

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74% of financial advice from social media leads to an “undesired outcome”

10 September 2024

A new survey has highlighted the potential risks of listening to unregulated financial advice. Discover why it could harm your finances and the benefit of working with a regulated financial adviser.

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How “lifestyle financial planning” could help you reach your goals

10 September 2024

Effectively managing your finances to get the most out of your assets often means going beyond paying into a pension regularly or selecting a fund to invest through. Lifestyle financial planning could help you better align your finances with your aspirations.

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Study: Greater freedom means money can buy happiness

10 September 2024

Despite the common saying “money can’t buy happiness”, a new study suggests the opposite is true. The greater freedom having more wealth offers could improve life satisfaction. It’s an important reminder of why your goals are an essential part of effective financial planning.

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How understanding behavioural finance could improve your decisions

10 September 2024

The study of how psychology affects financial behaviours is fascinating, and understanding the basics could improve your relationship with money. Read this article to find out how.

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Inheritance Tax: 5 shrewd strategies for reducing a potential bill

10 September 2024

If your estate could be liable for Inheritance Tax, there might be some steps you could take to reduce or mitigate a potential bill. Discover some of the shrewd strategies that could help you pass on more of your wealth to loved ones.

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0117 907 1965